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Bibliografia su Calvino

Page history last edited by Paolo E. Castellina 10 years, 10 months ago

1. Fonti bibliografiche

  • A. Erichson, Bibliographia Calviniana, Nieuwkoop 31965. Strumento iniziale per la ricerca, ma ormai datato. Riprende il vol 59 della Iohannis Calvini Opera quae supersunt omnia, con la cronologia delle opere di Calvino e un catalogo sistematico.
  • Wilhelm Niesel,  Calvin-Bibliographie, 1901-1959.  Monaco,  C. Kaiser 1961. Bibliografia di opera pubblicate nella prima metà del ventesimo secolo. Importante per lo studio della teologia calviniana nel contesto della teologia recente, per esempio la neo-ortodossia.
  • E. Bourilly et All., Calvin et la Réforme en France, 2 ed., Aix-en-Provence, Librairie Dragen 1974, «Bibliographie Calvinienne abrégée», pp. 137-164.
  • Bliography of Calviniana, 1959-1974, Medieval and Reformation
  • Thought 15, Leiden, Brill 1975; 21983.
  • Rodolphe Peter, Jean-François Gilmont, Bibliotheca Calviniana: les oeuvres de Jean Calvin publiées au XVIe siècle, Ginevra, Droz 1991-1994. E’ la bibliografia completa delle opera di Calvino pubblicate nel sedicesimo secolo. Fornisce i dati relative alle opere accessibili ai tempi del Riformatore.
  • Peter  de Klerk, "Calvin Bibliography 1960-1970"  Calvin Theological Journal 5 (1971) pp. 156- 95, più supplementi pubblicati ogni anno con un altro curatore Paul Fields. CTJ 7 (1972) pp. 221-250; CTJ 9 (1974) pp. 38-73, 210-40; CTJ 10 (1975) pp. 175-207; CTJ 11 (1976) pp. 199-243; CTJ12 (1977) pp. 164-187; CTJ 13 (1978) pp. 166-194; CTJ 14 (1979) pp. 187-212; CTJ 15 (1980) pp. 244-260; CTJ 16 (1981) pp. 206-221; CTJ 17 (1982) pp. 231-247; CTJ 18 (1983) pp. 206-224; CTJ 19 (1984) pp. 192-212; CTJ 20 (1985) pp. 268-280; CTJ 21 (1986) pp. 194-221; CTJ 22 (1987) pp. 275-294; CTJ 23 (1988) pp. 195-221; CTJ 24 (1989) pp. 278-299; CTJ 25 (1990) pp. 225-248; CTJ 26 (1991) pp. 389-411; CTJ 27 (1992) pp. 326-352; CTJ 28 (1993) pp. 393-419; CTJ 29 (1994) pp. 221-250; CTJ 30 (1995) pp. 419-447; CTJ 31 (1996) pp. 420-463; CTJ 32 (1997) pp. 368-394; CTJ 33 (1998) pp. 375-398; CTJ 34 (1999) pp. 396-416; CTJ 35 (2000) pp. 297-314; CTJ 36 (2001) pp. 343-364; CTJ 37 (2002) pp. 297-317; CTJ 38 (2003) pp. 299-320; CTJ 39 (2004) pp. 357-376; CTJ 40 (2005) pp. 297-317; Questa bibliografia costituisce un riferimento per lo specialista ed è un punto di partenza obbligato per la ricerca. Cfr H. Henry Meeter Center,http://www.calvin.edu/meeter/bibliography/1998.htm
  • Anche i supplementi all’Archiv für Reformationgeschichte che escono annualmente dal 1972, includono riferimenti bibliografici a opere su CalvinoARG.B I (1972) pp. 35-38; ss.
  • Commission internationale d’histoire écclésiastique comparée, Bibliographie de la Réforme, 1450-1648. 8 voll., Leiden, E.J. Brill 1958-1982.Organizzata per paese:  vol. 1, Germania; vol. 2, Belgio, Svezia, Norvegia, Danimarca, Irlanda, e Stati Uniti; vol. 3, Italia, Spagna, Portogallo; vol. 6, Austria; vol. 7, Scozia; vol. 8, Paesi Bassi.

2. Fonti primarie

  • Iohannis Calvini Opera quae supersunt omnia, a cura di G. Baum, E. Cunitz, E. Reuss.  59 volumi rilegati in 31 (Corpus Reformatorum, voll 29-88), Braunschweig e Berlino 1863-1900. È l’edizione critica classica.
  • Joannis Calvini Opera omnia. Series I: Institutio Christianae Religionis; Series II:  Opera exegetica.  Ginevra,  Droz 1998+; Series III: Scripta ecclesiastica. Geneva, Droz 1991+; Series IV: Scripta didactica et polemica. Geneva, Droz 2005+; Series V: Sermones; Series VI: Epistolae. Geneva, Droz 2005+; Series VII: Varia. Si tratta della nuova edizione dell’Opera Omnia. Fornisce delle eccellenti edizioni del testo critico.
  • Registres du Consistoire de Genève au Temps de Calvin. Tome I (1542-1544); Tome II (1545-46); Tome III (1547-48); Tome IV (1548), Ed. by Thomas A. Lambert et Isabella M. Watt, sous dir. Robert M. Kingdom, Geneva, Droz 1996, 2001, 2004, 2007. Permette di contestualizzare il più possibile l’azione di Calvino.
  • Istituzione della Religione cristiana (1559), 2 voll., a cura di Giorgio Tourn, Torino, Utet 1971, 21983. Eccellente lavoro basato sull’edizione del 1559.
  • Institution de la religion chrestienne, éd. Jean-Daniel Benoît, vol. 1, Paris, Vrin 1957. Opera classica da vedere.
  • L'Epistola a Sadoleto (1539), in Aggiornamento o Riforma della chiesa? Lettere tra un cardinale e un Riformatore del '500, Torino, Claudiana 1976.
  • Il “Piccolo trattato sulla S. Cena” (1537), a cura di Giorgio Tourn, Torino, Claudiana 1987.
  • Il Catechismo di Ginevra (1537), a cura di Valdo Vinay, Torino, Claudiana 1983.
  • Opere scelte, Dispute con Roma, vol. 1, a cura di Gino Conte e Pawel Gajewski, Torino, Claudiana 2004; Contro nicodemiti, anabattisti e libertini, vol 2, a cura di Laura Ronchi De Michelis; La divina predestinazione, vol 3, a cura di Giorgio Tourn; poi L’organizzazione e la disciplina della chiesa; Il processo a Michele Serveto; Istituzione della religione cristiana (1539); L’Epistola ai Romani; Sermoni. L’opera in italiano con testo originale a fronte tratto dalla Iohannis Calvini Opera quae supersunt omnia, prevede 10 volumi.
  • Calviniana: testi e studi, a cura di, Commentario della Genesi, Caltanisetta, Alfa e Omega 2008 ss.; Sermoni sui dieci comandamenti.
  • La carne lo spirito e l’amore, a cura di Davide Monda, MilanoBUR Rizzoli 2005.
  • In inglese e francese sono accessibili opere del Riformatore ancora in stampa: Calvin's Commentaries, translated by the Calvin Translation Society, 1843-1855, rist. Grand Rapids, Eerdmans; Grand Rapids, Baker 1979, 22 voll.; Calvin's New Testament Commentaries, 12 vol. ed. by David W. Torrance and Thomas F. Torrance, Grand Rapids, Eerdmans 1960; Calvin's Old Testament Commentaries, Rutherford House Translation, ed. by David F. Wright, Grand Rapids, Eerdmans 1993-. Commentaires sur l’Ancien Testament (1961- ) e Commentaires sur le Nouveau Testament(1960-) a cura della Société Calviniste de France.
  • Wulfert DeGreef, Lyle D. Bierma, trans., The Writings of John Calvin: An Introductory Guide, Grand Rapids, Baker Book House 1993. Utile per avere una guida generale alle opere e alla loro cronologia.

3. Vita e tempi di Calvino

  • William J. Bouwsma, Giovanni Calvino, Roma-Bari, Laterza 1992 (John Calvin: a Sixteenth Century Portrait, New York, Oxford 1988). Più interessato alla psiche e alla visione del mondo che alla vita e alla teologia.
  • Jean CadierCalvino, l’uomo domato da Dio, Torino, Claudiana 21964 (Calvin l’homme que Dieu a dompté, Genève 1958). Semplice, ma efficace.
  • Bernard Cottret, Calvin. Biographie, Paris, J.-C. Lattès 1995 (Calvin: a biography, Grand Rapids, Eerdmans 2000. Con alcuni dettagli per l’influenza di Calvino.
  • D. Crouzet, Jean Calvin. Vies parallèles, Paris, Fayard 2000. Mette in evidenza le dimensioni complementari della sua biografia e il carattere composito del suo ministero.
  • Theodore De Bèze, Vita Calvini (1575) [CO 21:119-172], esistono versioni in francese moderno, La vie de Calvin, Chalon-sur Saône, Europresse 1993, e inglese The Life of John Calvin, Philadelphia, J. Whetham; Carlisle, Penn., Banner of Truth 1982; Milwaukee, Oregon, Back Home Industries 1996.
  • Emil DoumergueJean Calvin, les hommes et les choses de son temps, 7 voll, Lausanne, G. Bridel & Cie. 1899-1927. Un importante classico con cui fare i conti.
  • Alexandre GanoczyLe jeune Calvin, genèse et evolution de sa vocation réformatrice, Wiesbaden, F. Steiner 1966 (The Young Calvin, trans. David Foxgrover and Wade Provo, Philadelphia, Westminster 1987). Studio importante che traccia l’itinerario di Calvino verso la fede evangelica fino all’attività riformatrice a Ginevra.
  • A.L. Herminjard, Correspondance des réformateurs dans les pays de langue française, 9 voll. Genève – Paris 1866-97. Offre uno scorcio illuminante.
  • R.N. Carew Hunt, Calvino, Bari, Laterza 1939.
  • Donald K. McKim, Ed. by, John Calvin, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2004. Buona presentazione generale dello status questionis.
  • Alister McGrathGiovanni Calvino. La vita e l'opera, Torino, Claudiana 1991 (A Life of John Calvin: A Study in the Shaping of Western Culture, Cambridge, MA, Blackwell 1990). Buon punto di partenza per una comprensione del Riformatore.
  • Alain Perrot, Le visage humain de Jean Calvin, Genéve, Labor et Fides 1986. Tentativo di descrizione dell’umanità di Calvino.
  • Richard Stauffer, L’humanité de Calvin, Neuchâtel, Delachaux et Niestlé 1964. Ritratto pieno di penetrazione.
  • Giorgio Tourn, Giovanni Calvino. Il riformatore di Ginevra, Torino, Claudiana 2005. Semplice ed efficace.
  • Williston Walker, John Calvin, the organizer of reformed Protestantism, 1509-1564, New York, London, Putnam 1906.

4. Ginevra e Calvino

  • Archives d'Etat de Genève (sous dir.), Registres du Conseil de Genève à l'époque de Calvin, tome II, (du 1er janvier au 31 décembre 1537), Vol. 1 e 2, Texte établi par Paule Hochului Dubuis et Sandra Coram-Mekkey , Genève, Droz 2004.
  • A. Babel, Histoire économiques de Genève des origines au début du XVIe siècle, Genève 1963.
  • Jean-Marc Berthoud, Calvin et la France. Genève et le déploiment de la Réforme au XVIe siècle, Lausanne, L’Age d’Homme 1999.
  • Pierre Chaunu, L’aventure de la Réforme, le monde de Jean Calvin, Paris, Hermé Desclée de Brouwer 1986..
  • Alexandre Ganoczy, La Bibliothèque de l’Académie de Calvin. Le catalogue de 1572 et ses enseignements, Genève, Droz 1969.
  • W. Fred Graham, The Constructive Revolutionary: John Calvin & His Socio-Economic Impact, Richmond, John Knox 1971.
  • Robert M. Kingdon, Calvin and the Government of Geneva, in W. H. Neuser ed., Calvinus ecclesiae Genevensis custos, Frankfurt/Bern, 1984, pp.49-67.
  • Robert M. Kingdon, Adultery and Divorce in Calvin's Geneva, Harvard, Harvard Univ. Press 1995.
  • Robert M. Kingdon, Was the Protestant Reformation a Revolution? The Case of Geneva, in Robert M. Kingdon, ed., Transition and Revolution: Problems and Issues of European Renaissance and Reformation, Minneapolis, 1974, pp. 53-76.
  • Robert M. Kingdon, Geneva and the Coming of the Wars of Religion in France, 1555-1563. Geneve, Droz 1956. Si tratta di un tentativo per capire il mondo di Calvino studiando la situazione storica.
  • E. William Monter, Calvin’s Geneva, Huntington, NY, Robert E. Krieger Publishing Company, 1975. Utile.
  • E. William Monter, Enforcing Morality in Early Modern Europe, London, Variorum Reprint 1987.
  • Henri Naef, Les origins de la Réforme à Genève, 2 voll., Genève et Paris, Jullien 1936, Genève, Droz 1968. Valido soprattutto per il quadro iniziale della riforma.
  • William Naphy, Calvin and the Consolidation of the Genevan Reformation. Manchester, Manchester University Press 1994. Uno dei migliori lavori per capire la Ginevra di Calvino.
  • Amédée Roget, Histoire du peuple de Genève depuis la Réforme jusqu’à l’Escalade (1870-1883), 7 voll., Genève, John Jullien 1870-1883, Reprint 1976. Analisi molto equilibrata.
  • Cornelia SeegerNullité de marriage, divorce et sépration de corps à Genéve au temps de Calvin, Lausanne, Societé d’Histoire de la Suisse Romande 1989.
  • Kareen E. SpierlingInfant Baptism in Reformation Geneva: The Shaping of a Community, 1536-1564 (St Andrews Studies in Reformation History), Aldershot: Ashgate 2005.
  • R.S. WallaceCalvin, Geneva and the Reformation. A Study of Calvin as Social Reformer, Churchman, Pastor and Theologian, Edinburgh, Scottish Academic Press / Grand Rapids, Baker 1988. Un’utile presentazione.

5. Il pensiero di Calvino

  • Irena Backus, Francis Higman, Edd., Théorie et practique de l’exégèse, Genève, Droz 1990.
  • Willem Balke, Calvin and the Anabaptist Radicals, Grand Rapids, Eerdmans 1981.
  • Joel Beeke, Assurance of Faith: Calvin, English Puritanism, and the Dutch Second Reformation, New York, Peter Lang 1991.
  • Robert Benedetto, et All., Interpreting John Calvin, Grand Rapids, Baker 1997.
  • André Biéler, La pensée économique et sociale de Calvin, Genève, Librairie de l’Université, Gorge & Cie. 1959.
  • André Biéler, Calvin, prophète de l’ère industrielle, Genève, Labor et Fides 1964.
  • André Bieler, L’umanesimo sociale di Calvino, Torino, Claudiana 1964. Un importante opera sull’etica sociale di Calvino.
  • Philip Walker Butin, Revelation, Redemption, and Response: Calvin's Trinitarian Understanding of the Divine-Human Relationship, New York, Oxford University Press 1995.
  • Jean Cadier, Che cosa ha veramente detto Calvino, Torino, Claudiana 1964. Un po’ agiografico, ma ben impostato.
  • C. Gallicet Calvetti, La filosofia di Giovanni Calvino, Grande antolologia filosofica, dir M.F. Sciacca, vol. VIII, Milano, Marzorati 1955.
  • Marc E. Chenevière, La Pensée politique de Calvin, Paris, PUF 1937.
  • Thomas J. Davis, The Clearest Promises of God: The Development of Calvin's Eucharistic Teaching. New York, AMS Press 1995. Sulla dottrina eucaristica ed il suo sviluppo.
  • Edward A. Dowey, Jr. The Knowledge of God in Calvin's Theology, Grand Rapids, Eerdmans 31994. Sostanzialmente simile all’edizione originale, 1952, utile sulla duplice conoscenza di Dio come creatore e redentore anche se condizionato dalle categorie di fondo dell’A.
  • Gervase E. Duffield (ed.), John CalvinA Collection of Distinguished Essays, Abingdon, Sutton Courtenay Press / Grand Rapids, Eerdmans 1966.
  • Mary Potter Engel, Calvin's Perspectival Anthropology, Atlanta, Scholar's Press 1988.
  • H.J. Frostman, Word and Spirit: Calvin’s Doctrine of Biblical Authority, Stanford, Stanford University Press 1962;
  • Eric Fuchs, La morale selon Calvin, Paris, Cerf 1986.
  • Richard C. Gamble, Articles on Calvin and Calvinism, 14 vols. New York, Garland Publishing Co. 1986-1992. Vol. 1: The Biography of Calvin, Vol. 2:Calvin's Early Writings and Ministry, Vol. 3: Calvin's Work in Geneva, Vol. 4: Influences upon Calvin and Discussion of the 1559 Institutes, Vol. 5:Calvin's Opponents, Vol. 6: Calvin and Hermeneutics, Vol. 7: The Organizational Structure of Calvin's Theology, Vol. 8: An Elaboration of the Theology of Calvin, Vol. 9: Calvin's Theology, Theology Proper, Eschatology, Vol. 10: Calvin's Ecclesiology: Sacraments and Deacons, Vol. 11: Calvin's Thought on Economic and Social Issues and the Relationship of Church and State, Vol. 12: Calvin and Science, Vol. 13: Calvinism in Switzerland, Germany, and Hungary, Vol. 14: Calvinism in France, Netherlands, Scotland, and England. Si tratta di una raccolta con gli articoli più significativi apparsi sul Riformatore. Fra le raccolte simili, rimane la migliore.
  • Giuseppe Gangale, Calvino, Milano, Doxa 1934.
  • Alexandre Ganoczy, Calvin, théologie de l’Eglise et du ministère, Paris, Cerf 1964.
  • Charles Garside Jr., The Origins of Calvin’s Theology of Music: 1536-1543, Philadelphia, The American Philosophical Society 1979. Senza linguaggio musicale tecnico
  • Timothy F. George, ed., John Calvin and the Church: A Prism of Reform, Westminster John Knox Press 1990.
  • Brian A. Gerrish, Grace and Gratitude: The Eucharistic Theology of John Calvin, Minneapolis, Fortress Press 1992.
  • Jean-François Gilmont, Jean Calvin et le livre imprimé, Genève, Droz 1997.
  • Jean-François Gilmont, Le livre réformée au XVIe siècle, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France 2005.
  • Benoit Girardin, Rhétorique et théologie. Calvin: L’Epître aux Romains, Paris, Beauchesne 1979.
  • Robert W. Godfrey “Calvin and Theonomy” in William Barker & Robert W. Godfrey, Edd., Theonomy: A Reformed Critique, Grand Rapids, Academie Books 1990.
  • Serene Jones, Calvin and the Rhetoric of Piety, Columbia Series in Reformed Theology, Nashville, Westminster - John Knox 1995.
  • John I. Hesselink, Calvin's Concept of the Law, Princeton 30, 1992. 

    Francis Higman, The style of John Calvin in his French polemical treatises, Cambridge, Cambridge U.P. 1967.
  • Francis Higman, 'Calvin's works in translation' in Andrew Pettegree, Alastair Duke and Gillian Lewis (eds), Calvinism in Europe, 1540-1620, Cambridge, Cambridge U.P. 1994, ch. 5.
  • Harro Höpfl, The Christian Polity of John Calvin, Cambridge, Cambridge U.P. 1985.
  • Kenneth S. Kantzer “Calvin and the Holy Scriptures” in J.F. Walwoord, Ed., Inspiration and Interpretation, Grand Rapids, Eerdmans 1957. Buona impostazione.
  • Kevin D. Kennedy, Union With Christ and the Extent of the Atonement in Calvin, New York, P. Lang 2002.
  • Fred H. Klooster, Calvin’s Doctrine of Predestination (Calvin Theological Seminary Monograph Series, 3), Grand Rapids, Calvin Theological Seminary 1961.
  • Marijn de Kroon, The Honour of God and Human Salvation, New York, T. & T. Clark 2001.
  • John H. Leith, Calvin's Doctrine of the Christian Life. Louisville, Westminster/John Knox Press 1989.
  • Anthony N.S. Lane, John Calvin. Student of the Church Fathers, Edinburgh, T. & T. Clark 1999. Dimostra l’attenzione del Riformatore per i Padri con ampia bibliografia.
  • F. Lombardi, Calvino e il suo contributo alla formazione del mondo moderno, in De Homine, 19/20, 1966, pp.101-142.
  • Franco Lombardi, Galilei, Calvino, Rousseau: tre antesignani del tempo moderno, Firenze: Sansoni 1968.
  • Kilian McDonnellJohn Calvin, the Church, and the Eucharist, Princeton, Princeton University Press 1967.
  • E.A. McKeeJohn Calvin on the Diaconate and Liturgical Almsgiving, Genève, Droz 1984.
  • E.A. McKeeElders and the Plural Ministry. The Role of Exegetical History in Illuminating John Calvin Theology, Genève, Droz 1988.
  • Olivier Millet, Calvin et la dynamique de la parole: Etude de Rhétorique réformée. Genève, Editions Slatkine 1992. Fondamentale per avvicinarsi alla questione dell’uso della retorica nell’ambito della teologia di Calvino e della francofonia del tempo.
  • Olivier Millet, Calvin et ses contemporains. Genève, Droz 1998. Atti del Colloquio di Parigi del 1995.
  • Richard A. Muller, The Unaccommodated Calvin: Studies in the Foundation of a Theological Tradition. Oxford, Oxford University Press 2000. E’ un esempio di come si possa tornare direttamente ai testi calviniani per intendere il suo pensiero.
  • Richard A. Muller, After Calvin: Studies in the Development of a Theological Tradition, New York, Oxford University Press 2002.
  • John Murray, Calvin on Scripture and Divine Sovereignity, Grand Rapids, Eerdmans 1960. Buon capitolo sull’autorità della Scrittura.
  • Wilhelm Niesel, Die theologie Calvins, München, Chr. Kaiser Verlag 1938 (The Theology of Calvin, London, Lutterworth 1956; Grand Rapids, Baker 1980). Un lavoro importante anche se datato.
  • Heiko A. Oberman, Initia Calvini: The Matrix of Calvin’s Reformation, Amsterdam, Noord-Hollandsche 1991. Metodologicamente ben impostato.
  • J. I. Packer “Calvin’s View of Scripture” in J.W. Montgomery, Ed., God’s Inerrant Word. Minneapolis, Bethany Fellowship Inc., 1974. Studio ben impostato.
  • T.H.L. ParkerCalvin: An Introduction to His Thought, Nashville, Westminster John Knox 1995. Una raffinata introduzione alla teologia di Calvino. Dello stesso autore, John Calvin: A Biography, Philadelphia, Westminster John Knox 1976; rist. Lion Publishing.
  • T.H.L. Parker, The Oracles of God: an Introduction to the preaching of John Calvin, London, 1962. Anche Calvin’s Preaching, Louisville, KY, Westminster John Knox; Edinburgh. T & T. Clark 1992.
  • T.H.L. Parker, Calvin's doctrine of the knowledge of God, Revised Edition, Edinburgh, Oliver and Boyd 1969.
  • T.H.L. ParkerCalvin’s New Testament Commentaries, London, SCM / Grand Rapids, Eerdmans 1971; 2 ed., Louisville, KY, Westminster John Knox, 1993 / Edinburgh, T. & T. Clark 1993.
  • T.H.L. ParkerCalvin’s Old Testament Commentaries, Louisville, KY; Westminster John Knox, 1986 / Edinburgh, T. & T. Clark 1986.
  • Charles Partee, Calvin and Classical Philosophy. Leiden, E. J. Brill 1977. E’ probabilmente il miglior contributo per capire la conoscenza del Greco e del latino da parte di Calvino.
  • Robert A. Peterson, Calvin’s Doctrine of the Atonement, Phillipsburg, Presbyterian and Reformed 1983. Un eccellente studio sull’espiazione.
  • Barbara Pitkin, What Pure Eyes Could See: Calvin’s Doctrine of Faith in its Exegetical Context, New York, Oxford University Press 1999.
  • Jonathan H. Rainbow, The Will of God and the Cross: An Historical and Theological Study of John Calvin’s Doctrine of Limited Redemption, Allison Park, Pa, Pickwick Publ. 1990.
  • R.C. Reed, The Gospel As Taught By Calvin, Jackson, MS, Reformed Theological Seminary & Presbyterian Reformation Society 1925-1977. Capitoli brevi e utili sui temi della teologia di Calvino.
  • Lucien RichardThe Spirituality of John Calvin, Atlanta, John Knox Press 1975.
  • Susan E. Schreiner, The Theater of His Glory: Nature and the Natural Order in the Thought of John Calvin. Studies in Historical Theology. Durham, Labyrinth Press 1991; Grand Rapids, Baker 1995. Il miglior e documentato studio per cogliere il significato della creazione per Calvino.
  • Susan E. Schreiner, Where Shall Wisdom Be Found? Calvin's Exegesis of Job from Medieval and Modern Perspectives, Chicago, Chicago University Press 1994,
  • Victor A. Shepherd, The Nature and Function of Faith in the Theology of John Calvin, Macon, Ga, Mercer University Press 1983.
  • Léopold Schümmer, L’Ecclésiologie de Calvin à la lumière de l’Ecclesia Mater, Bern, Peter Lang 1981.
  • Richard Stauffer, Dieu, la création et la providence dans la prédication de Calvin, Berne, Peter Lang 1978. Ottimo studio sulle predicazioni di Calvino.
  • David C. SteinmetzCalvin in Context, New York, Oxford University Press 1995. E’ il tentativo, riuscito, di collocare Calvino nel suo proprio contestosempre affidabile.
  • William StevensonSovereign Grace: The Plac and Significance of ChristianFreedom in John Calvin’ Political Thought, New York, Oxford University Press 1999.
  • Dennis E. TamburelloUnion With Christ: John Calvin and the Mysticism of St. Bernard, Columbia Series in Reformed Theology, Louisville, KY, Westminster John Knox 1994.
  • Bard Thompson, Liturgies of the Western Church, Philadelphia, Fortress Press 1961. La liturgia di Calvino in rapporto ad alter liturgie.
  • John Lee Thompson, The Daughters of Sarah: Women in Regular and Exceptional Roles in the Exegesis of Calvin, His Predecessors, and His Contemporaries, Genève, Librairie Droz 1992. Studio dei modelli esegetici utilizzati da Calvino.
  • Thomas F. Torrance, The Hermeneutics of John Calvin, Edimburgh, Scottish Academic Press 1988.
  • Vittorio Tranquilli, Il concetto di lavoro da Aristotele a Calvino, Milano-Napoli, R. Ricciardi 1979.
  • Valdo Vinay, Ecclesiologia ed etica politica in G. Calvino, Brescia, Paideia 1972.
  • Ronald S. Wallace, Calvin’s Doctrine of the Word and Sacrement, Edinburgh, Oliver & Boyd / Grand Rapids, Eeerdmans 1957.
  • Ronald S. Wallace, Calvin’s Doctrine of the Christian Life, Edinburgh, Oliver & Boyd 1959. Il miglior studio sull’argomento.
  • B. Van der Walt, Calvinus ReformatorPotchefstroom, PUCHE 1982.
  • Benjamin B. Warfield, Calvin and Augustine, New York, Oxford University Press 1931.
  • François Wendel, Calvin. Sources et évolution de sa pensée religieuse, Genève, Labor et Fides 21985 (Calvin: Origins and Development of His Religious Thought, New York, Harper & Row 1963, rist.: Durham, Labyrinth Press 1987). Un classico sul pensiero di Calvino.
  • Randall C. Zachman, The Assurance of Faith: Conscience in the Theology of Martin Luther and John Calvin. Minneapolis, Fortress Press 1993. Sottolinea come l’uso d’impostazioni diverse conduca anche a diverse conclusioni.

6. Sulla Istituzione della religione cristiana

  • Aa.Vv., John Calvin’s Institutes his Opus Magnum, Potchefstroom, PUCHE 1986.
  • Albert Autin, L’Institution chrétienne de Calvin, Paris, Societé Française d’Editions Littéraires et Techinques 1929.
  • Robert H. Ayers, “The View of Medieval Exegesis in Calvin’s Institutes” Perspectives in Religious Studies 7/3 (1980) pp. 188-193.
  • Jean Barnaud “L’Institution de la religion chrétienne” Etudes Théologiques et réligieuses 13/2 (1938) pp. 94-116.
  • Peter Barth “Die Erwählungslehre in Calvins Institutio von 1536” in Theologische Aufsätze: Karl Barth zum 50 Gebursta, ed. Ernst Wolf, Münich 1936, pp. 432-442.
  • Ford Lewis Battles, Analysis of the Institutes of the Christian Religion, Grand Rapids, Baker Book House 1980; Phillipsburg, Presb. and Ref. 2001.Utile introduzione e suddivisione dettagliata (388 pp.).
  • Ford Lewis Battles, “Introduction.” Institutes of the Christian Religion. 1536 edition, 1975 xvii–lix. Uno studio del percorso fatto da Calvino “verso l’Istituzione del 1536,” con buona discussione del contesto storico. La sua preparazione intellettuale e teologica, la conversione, sommario e analisi dell’edizione del 1536.
  • Ford Lewis Battles, “Calculus fidei” in Calvinus Ecclesiae Doctor, Ed. by Wilhelm H. Neuser, Kampen, J.H.Kok 1980, pp. 85-110.
  • Jean-Daniel Bénoit “The History and Development of the Institutio: How Calvin Worked” in Gervase E. Duffield, Ed., John CalvinA Collection of Distinguished Essays, Abingdon, Sutton Courtenay Press / Grand Rapids, Eerdmans 1966, pp. 102-117.
  • Benjamin Blondiaux, De la notion de la foi d’après l’Institution chrétienne de Calvin, Montauban, J. Vidallet 1874.
  • Jean Boisset “La réforme et le péres de l’église. Les références patristiques dans l’Institution de la religion chrétienne de Jean Calvin“ in Migne et le renouveau des études patristiques. Actes du Colloque de Saint-Flour, ed. A. Mandouze et J. Fouileron, Paris, Beauchesne 1985, pp. 39-51.
  • Paul C. Böttger, Calvins Institutio als Erbauungsbuch: Versuch einer literarischen Analyse, Neukirchen, Neukirchener Verlag 1990.
  • Fritz Büsser “Calvin’s Institutio: Einige Gedanken über ihre Bedutung“ Zwingliana 11/7 (1059) pp. 93-105.
  • Fritz Büsser “Elements of Zwingli’s Thought in Calvin Institutes“ in In Honor of John Calvin, 1509—64, Ed., E.J. Furcha, Montreal, McGill University Press 1987, pp. 1-27.
  • Edward A. Dowey, Jr. The Knowledge of God in Calvin's Theology, Grand Rapids, Eerdmans 31994.
  • Edward A. Dowey, Jr. “The Structure of Calvin’s Theological Thought as Influenced by the Two-fold Knowledge of God” in Calvinus Ecclesiae Genevensis Custos, Ed., Wilhelm H. Neuser, New York, Lang 1984, pp. 135-148.
  • Julius Köslin “Calvin’s Institutio nach Form und Inhalt, in ihrer geschlichtlichen Entwicklung” Theologische Studien und Kritiken 41 (1868), pp. 7-62.
  • Marijn de Kroon, The Honour of God and Human Salvation: A Contribution of an Understanding of Calvin's Theology According to his Institutes, Edinburgh, T&T Clark 2001.
  • Pierre Imbart de la Tour, Calvin et l’Institution de la réligion chrétienne, Paris, Hachette et Cie. 1935.
  • Stephen Edmondson “The biblical historical structure of Calvin’s Institutes” Scottish Journal of Theology 59 (2006), pp. 1-13.
  • Pierre Fraenkel “Trois passages de l’Institution de 1543 et leur rapports avec les colloques interconfessionales de 1540-1541” in Calvinus Ecclesiae Genevensis Custos, Ed., Wilhelm H. Neuser, New York, Lang 1984, pp. 149-158.
  • August Lang “The Sources of Calvin’s Institutes of 1536” Evangelical Quarterly 8 (1936) pp. 131-140.
  • John H. Leith “The Doctrine of the Will in the Institutes of the Christian Religion” in Reformatio Perennis: Essays on Calvin and the Reformation in Honor of Ford Lewis Battles, ed. by B.A. Gerrish and Robert Benedetto, Pittsburgh, Pickwick Press 1981, pp. 49-66.
  • John H. Leith “Questions and Suggestions for the Study of John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion” in Pilgrimage of a Presbyterian: Collected Shorter Writings, ed. John H. Leith and Charles E. Raynal, Lousiville, Geneva Press 2001, pp. 332-41.
  • J.W. Marmelstein, Etude comparatiuve des latins et français de l’Institution, Groningen, J.B. Wolters 1923.
  • Alain-Georges Martin “La place de la Trinité dans l’Institution chrétienne de Calvin“ Revue Réformée 30 (1979) pp. 131-149.
  • Elsie McKee “Exegesis, Theology and Development in Calvin’s Institutio: A Methodological Suggestion” in Probing the Reformation Historical Studies in Honor of Edward A. Dowey, Jr. Ed., Elsie McKee and Brian Armstrong, Lousiville, Westminster / John Knok 1989, pp. 154-174.
  • Edward F. Meylan “The Stoic Doctrine of Indifferent Things and the Conception of Christian Liberty in Calvin’s Institutio Religionis ChristianaeRomanic Review 28 (1937) pp. 135-145.
  • Richard A. Muller, “Ordo Docendi: Melanchthon and the Organisation of Calvin’s Institutes, 1536-43” in Melanchthon in Europe: His Work and Influences beyond Wittemberg, ed. Karin Maag, Grand Rapids, Baker 1999, pp. 123-140.
  • Richard A. Muller, The Unaccommodated Calvin: Studies in the Foundation of a Theological Tradition. Oxford, Oxford University Press 2000.
  • Wilhelm Niesel “Descriptio et historia editionum Institutionis latinarum et gallicarum Calvino vivo emissarum” in Iohannis Calvini Opera Selecta, edd. Peter Barth, Wilhelm Niesel, Dora Scheuner 3,vi-l.
  • Harmannus Obendiek “Die Institutio Calvins als ‘Confessio’ und ‘Apologie’“ in Theologische Aufsätze: Karl Barth zum 50 Geburstag, ed. Ernst Wolf, Münich 1936, pp. 417-431.
  • Benjamin A. Reist, A Reading of Calvin's Institutes, Louisville, Westminster/John Knox 1991.
  • H.W. Simpson “The Edition Princeps of the Institutio Christianae Religionis, 1536, by John Calvin” In Calvinus Reformator: His Contribution to Theology, Church and Society, Potchefstroom, Potchefstroom University for CHE 1982, pp. 26-32.
  • Joseph Ton “Introduction à l’édition en langue roumaine de l’Institution chrétienne” RR 55 (2004) pp. 29-38.
  • Benjamin B. Warfield, “On the literary history of Calvin’s ‘Institutes’” Presbyterian and Reformed Review 10 (1899) pp. 193–219, poi in Calvin and Calvinism (orig. 1931), Grand Rapids, Baker 1981, pp. 373-428. Utile sommario dello sviluppo delle varie edizioni dal 1536 al 1560.
  • Richard Franklin Wevers, A concordance to Calvin’s Institutio 1559. 6 voll. Grand Rapids, Digamma Publisher 1992. È basata sul testo di P. Barth e G. Niesel.
  • Randall C. Zachman, “What Kind of Book Is Calvin’s Institutes?” CTJ 35 (2000) pp. 238-61.

7. Il calvinismo

  • Philip Benedict, Christ’s Churches Purely Reformed: A Social History of Calvinism, New Haven, Yale University Press 2002.
  • P. Besnard, Protestantisme et capitalisme: la controversie post-wébérienne, Paris, Armand Colin 1970.
  • R. Goodzwaard, Capitalism and Progress, Grand Rapids, Eerdmans 1979.
  • W. Fred Graham, Ed., Later Calvinism: International Perspectives, Kirksville, MO, Sixteenth Century Journal 1994.
  • R.W. Green, ed., Protestantism, Capitalism and Social Science: The Weber Thesis Controversy, Boston, Mass. 1973.
  • David W. Hall, A Heart Promptly Offered: The Revolutionary Leadership of John Calvin, Cumberland House 2006. Calvino ha fornito le basi della democrazia col suo tentativo di decentralizzazione e bilanciamento della società.
  • C. Hill, The Intellectual Origins of the English Revolution, Oxford, Oxford University Press 1965.
  • Douglas F. Kelly, The Emergence of Liberty in the Modern World : The Influence of Calvin on Five Governments from the 16th Through 18th Centuries, Phillipsburg, Presbyterian & Reformed Publishing 1992.
  • R.T. Kendall, The Influence of Calvin and Calvinism upon the American Heritage, London, 1976. Discutibile per alcuni aspetti.
  • Peter A. Lillback, The Binding of God. Calvin’s Role in the Development of Covenant Theology, Grand Rapids, Baker; Carlisle, Paternoster 2001.
  • H. Lüthy, Variations on a Theme by Max Weber, in M. Prestwich (a cura di), International Calvinism 1541-1715, Oxford, Clarendon Press 1985, pp. 369-90.
  • Gordon Marshall, In Search of the Spirit of Capitalism: An Essay on Max Weber’s Protestant Ethic Thesis, London, Hutchinson and Company Publishing Ltd; New York, Columbia University Press 1982.
  • John T. McNeillThe History and Character of Calvinism, New York, Oxford University Press 1954. Anche se un po’ superato, fornisce dati sull’influenza internazionale di Calvino.
  • M. Miegge, L. Corsani, U. GastaldiProtestantesimo e capitalismo. Da Calvino a Weber, Torino, Claudiana 1983. Sfata il luogo comune del calvinismo come padre del capitalismo.
  • Richard A. Muller, Christ and the Decree. Christology and Predestination in Reformed Theology from Calvin to Perkins, Durham, NC, Labyrint Press 1986.
  • Andrew Pettegree, Alastair Duke, & Gillian Lewis, ed., Calvinism in Europe, 1540-1620, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1993.
  • Andrew Pettegree, Alastair Duke, & Gillian Lewis, ed., Calvinism in Europe, 1540-1620: A Collectuion of Documents, New York, St. Martin’s Press 1992.
  • M. Preswich, International Calvinism, Oxford, Clarendon Press 1985.
  • Robert V. Schnucker (ed.), Calviniana. Ideas and influence of John Calvin, St Louis, Missouri, Sixteenth Century Essays and Studies 1988.
  • W. Stanford Reid, ed., John Calvin: His Influence in the Western World, Grand Rapids, Zondervan 1982. Un classico equilibrato.
  • Carl R. Trueman and R. Scott Clark, Edd., Protestant Scholasticism: Essays in Reassessment, Carlisle, Paternoster 1999.
  • H. Vahle, Calvinismus und Demokratie im Spiegel der Forschung, ARG n° 66 – 1982, pp. 181-212.
  • Michael Walzer, La rivoluzione dei santi, Torino, Claudiana 1996 (The Revolution of the Saints, New York 1970).
  • Benjamin B. Warfield, Calvin and Calvinism, New York, Oxford University Press 1931.
  • Max Weber, L’etica protestante e lo spirito del capitalismo, Firenze, Sansoni 31977.
  • Myriam Yardeni, French Calvinist Political Thought, 1534-1715, in M. Prestwich (a cura di), International Calvinism 1541-1715, Oxford, Clarendon Press 1985, pp.315-38.

8. Congressi internazionali (A) e Colloqui (B)

  • Calvinus Theologus, Ed. by Wilhelm H. Neuser, Neukirchen, Neukirchner Verlag 1976 [Amsterdam, 1974].
  • Calvinus Ecclesiae Doctor, Ed. by Wilhelm H. Neuser, Kampen, J.H.Kok 1980 [Amsterdam, 1978].
  • Calvinus Ecclesiae Genevensis Custos, Ed. by Wilhelm H. Neuser, New York, Lang 1984 [Genève, 1982].
  • Calvinus Servus Christi, Ed. by Wilhelm H. Neuser, Budapest, Presseabteilung des Ráday-
  • Kollegiums 1988 [Debrecen, Hungary, 1986].
  • Calvinus Sacrae Scripturae Professor = Calvin as Confessor of Holy Scripture. Ed. by Wilhelm H. Neuser, Grand Rapids, Eerdmans 1994 [Grand Rapids, 1990].
  • Calvinus sincerioris religionis vindix = Calvin as Protector of the Purer Religion. Ed. by Wilhelm H. Neuser and Brian G. Armstrong. Kirksville, MO., Sixteenth Century Journal Publishers 1997 [Sixteenth Century Essays and Studies, v. 36] [Edinburgh, 1994].
  • Calvinus Evangelii Propugnator. Calvin, Champion of the Gospel, Papers Presented at the International Congress in Calvin Research, Seul 1998, Ed. by David F. Wright, Anthony N.S. Lane, John Balserak, Grand Rapids, Calvin Studies Society 2006
  • Renaissance, Reformation, Resurgence, Ed. by Peter De Klerk, Grand Rapids, Calvin Theological Seminary, 1976 [Papers and responses from the Colloquium on Calvin and Calvin Studies, April 1976].
  • Calvin and Christian Ethics, Ed. by Peter De Klerk, Grand Rapids, Calvin Studies Society
  • 1987 [Proceedings of the Fifth Colloquium, Grand Rapids, 1985].
  • Calvin and the Holy Spirit. Ed. by Peter De Klerk, Grand Rapids, Calvin Studies Society 1989 [Proceedings of the Sixth Colloquium, Grand Rapids, 1987].
  • Calvin and the State. Ed. by Peter De Klerk, Grand Rapids, Calvin Studies Society, 1993 [Proceedings of the Seventh Colloquium, Minneapolis, 1989, and the Eighth Colloquium, Grand Rapids, 1991].
  • Calvin as Exegete, Ed. by Peter De Klerk, Grand Rapids, Calvin Studies Society 1995 [Proceedings of the Ninth Colloquium on Calvin and Calvin Studies, Princeton, New Jersey, 1993].
  • Calvin Studies Society Papers 1995-1997. Papers Presented at the 11th Colloquium of the Calvin Studies Society April 24-26, 1997, Louisville Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky.
  • The Legacy of John Calvin. Papers Presented at the 12th Colloquium of the Calvin Studies Society April 22-24 1999, Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, Virginia.
  • Calvin and the Church, Calvin Studies Society Papers presented at the 13th Colloquium of the Calvin Studies Society May 24-26, 2001, Grand Rapids, Michigan.


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